I get it

Leaving your “safe” corporate gig to start a business feels like one of the most terrifying moves you can make.

Brenda Rigney Gen X Coaching

And when you’re shaking things up after 40 (or even 50), it can feel like an even bigger risk, because it feels like you have so much more to lose.

But give me a moment to show you why the exact opposite is true.

You actually have so much more to GAIN by leaving a job in corporate America that—let’s be honest—hasn’t been a good fit for a long time. And if you let yourself dream about your next chapter without all the what-ifs and shoulds, that’s when things start to get really fun. (And isn’t it about time you had fun?)


I went from being the COO of an $80 million business to starting a company of one

All in the same year I divorced and moved homes while raising teenagers.

(Things that got me through: my community, EFT tapping, and binge-ing the first 6 seasons of Scandal in 3 weeks. I figured if Olivia Pope could rebuild her life every season, I could too.)

It wasn’t a coincidence that my personal and professional life blew up at the same time—more like a long-overdue reckoning I wouldn’t trade for anything.

If you’re here, you’re likely due for a reckoning yourself. And it might feel like you’re starting from zero.

Brenda Rigney Gen X Coaching


You’re not really starting from scratch

As a C-suite exec or senior manager, you’ve spent your whole career leading, building, and shaping someone else’s business.

You have a lifetime of relevant experience and wisdom, topped with newfound f*ck-it energy.

And that’s exactly what makes for a successful entrepreneur—even if you’re not sure exactly what your business is going to look like a year from now. (Guess what? No one does.)

the reviews are in

“Brenda's scope stretches far beyond business. She taught me how every element in my life is connected and how—when aligned—they work together for an overall better, stronger, more aware and alive me, which has had rippling effects not only in my business, but on my marriage, parenting and self-evolution.”

– Alyssa, Holistic Wellness Coach

Brenda Rigney Gen X Coaching

Hey, I’m Brenda

Welcome to your second act

It’s exhilarating on a good day and terrifying the next, right?

Part of why this leap is so scary for successful, overqualified women like us is because most of us didn't have a plan B for our lives. Which is all the more disregulating when we realize that our plan A’s were almost always based on someone else's ideas for us.

Aren't you ready for that to change? I sure was.

And I'm guessing if you've read this far, you're ready to face the music, decide what you want, and figure out how you’re going to go about getting it.

That starts with leading yourself in a way you never have before.

This looks like prioritizing your health, making better decisions (or making decisions, period), and finding support instead of struggling on your own like you’ve been taught your whole life.

As your dream biz coach, I’ll support you in putting the essential pieces of your business together, creating an anti-burnout business plan to set you up for the long run, and drawing on your unique skills and experience to build an Aligned AF life and business.

The good part is just beginning.

client testimonial

I admired the fact she was showing up and doing the work. What stood out the most is her combination of woo-woo and business acumen. I think that's her superpower: energy work mixed with gritty business tactics.

Now I have a business based on what I want to do. I have better boundaries, I show up, and I choose my clients rather than just the other way around. I am doing what I am supposed to be doing with my life.”

– Jo Knight Dutkewich, Business Coach

Brenda Rigney Gen X Coaching

What a long, strange trip it’s been

For 27 years, I led sales, marketing, tech, HR, and operations teams for brands like Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Earls Restaurants, and Nurse Next Door. I was integral in scaling businesses at every level from every angle.

I still draw from a lot of that experience today, but with midlife women entrepreneurs and without the hustle-culture flavor.

The curriculum I share in each of my programs focuses on a lot of brass tacks of building your business, including what not to do. (If only I’d known some of these lessons sooner.) But it impacts other areas of my clients’ lives, too—their health, wealth, relationships, and beyond.

The corporate world you and I come from sees work and life as separate entities. But here’s my field report from the other side: that’s just not true.

We know that money without joy isn’t worth much, and joy without money isn’t a viable long-term option. It’s not unrealistic to have both. In fact, it’s essential.

You don’t need a complicated business model. You don’t need to spend two more years in your exhausting job to sock away a huge pile of cash before you can start. You need someone in the trenches with you.

I started the Aligned AF community to help one million women get Aligned AF in their lives and businesses.

And I saved a spot for you.

Brenda Rigney Gen X Coaching


When women have access to wealth, they do great things for their communities. Giving money and time is one way I pay it forward. 

If you don’t have a vision for your impact through business yet, look around at what needs fixing. There are so many people waiting for you to step up. If not you, who?

I support organizations like:

  • Imagine One Day 

  • One Girl Can

  • Whole Way House

  • Indian Residential School Survivor Society

More than $25,000 donated

the reviews are in

I wanted real advice and concrete actions. Brenda listened and then got down to business. She helped me analyze my options with tangible actions and immediate changes. She is intuitive, smart, and focused, and those qualities were integral to my process of moving through change.

Now, I hesitate less and am far more structured about my daily tasks. I am less stressed, more productive, and do not miss full-time employment. I know I can create whatever I want, and that's the best outcome!

Brenda is a role model in her business. She lives and practices what she teaches.”

– Mary Ross, Writer and Published Author


Time to show yourself what you’re made of and begin an Aligned AF second act

Join the online community of midlife women entrepreneurs and soon-to-be entrepreneurs who give a damn about living their life and doing business with intention. It’s just $60 for one year (free for the first 14 days). 

You’ll get access to everything I know, plus guest expert mentors, and a community of other women entrepreneurs holding you accountable.